To complete the steps in this article, you must be an administrator or have the necessary view and/or edit permissions enabled. If you believe you should be able to complete the steps and are not able to, reach out to your account administrator to discuss updating the settings for your Role.
All changes made to a policy will apply to all users assigned to that policy.
Configure paid punched rest breaks:
- Log into the Citadel web portal.
- Click on Policies in the side menu.
- Select the Break Policy you want to update.
- If you have a Rest Break Rule added, update the rule. Otherwise, Add a New Break Rule.
- Set Is Paid Break to Yes.
- Set Punch Type to Standard.
- Set Lockout Enabled to Yes (if applicable) and set the Lockout Duration Hours/Minutes.
- Enter how much of the break will be paid (if applicable). The remainder of the time away on break will be deducted from the timecard.
- Click Save to update your changes. If you don't click Save, the policies will not be updated.
Configure automatic unpaid rest breaks:
- Log into the Citadel web portal.
- Click on Policies in the side menu.
- Select the Break Policy you want to update.
- If you have a Rest Break Rule added, update the rule. Otherwise, Add a New Break Rule.
- Set Is Paid Break to No.
- Set Punch Type to Auto.
- Set the Auto Recurring option to Yes if this rule should be repeated in a shift.
- Enter the Time Until Auto Punch. This is when the rest break punches will be applied.
- Enter the Duration of Break.
- Click Save to update your changes. If you don't click Save, the policies will not be updated.
Configure unpaid punched rest breaks:
- Log into the Citadel web portal.
- Click on Policies in the side menu.
- Select the Break Policy you want to update.
- If you have a Rest Break Rule added, update the rule. Otherwise, Add a New Break Rule.
- Set Is Paid Break to No.
- Set Punch Type to Standard.
- Set Lockout Enabled to Yes (if applicable) and set the Lockout Duration Hours/Minutes.
- Click Save to update your changes. If you don't click Save, the policies will not be updated.
A note about auto punches:
Automated meal and rest punches will be applied at specific time intervals. For instance, if a 30-minute meal break will be automatically applied after 4 hours, then the meal will be applied from 4 hours to 4 hours 30 minutes. If the employee only works to the 4 hour mark, the meal break will not be applied.